Kenya Footballers’ Welfare Association (KEFWA)

KEFWA Becomes FIFPro Full Member in November 201

The Kenya Footballers Welfare Association (KEFWA) has attained full membership status at the International Federation of Professional Footballers (FIFPro); which is the world’s players governing body.

The organisation’s Chairman James Situma and Secretary General Jerry Santo officially received a certificate of recognition on Tuesday 27 November in Rome, Italy, in a major milestone for the body mandated to champion for the rights footballers in the country.

A year ago, KEFWA was recognized as candidates and have since worked towards scaling to the highest rank in the players’ union. It now becomes the 65th member worldwide and 11th in Africa to achieve the fete, after adhering to guidelines set by the FIFpro board.

This milestone further hands the Kenya’s players body the power to vote in the FIFpro congress. Mexico and Qatar are among the newbies.

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